Grant Management

Grants for Farmers or Manufacturing Plants

A top-quality project is the basic pre-requisite which enables you to make use of external sources of funding successfully.  Then, conformity of such a project with goals and conditions of the relevant grant program and compliance with strict criteria set by the donator constitute a condition sine qua non. To prepare such a top-quality project requires sufficient experience, time, qualified human potential and, naturally, also a good view of the relevant field.

We offer complex services:

  • To prepare a project plan (fiche), followed by a complete application which meets all required criteria and ensures that the project can be funded;
  • To prepare all compulsory schedules and annexes – feasibility studies, documentation for the building permit procedure, marketing analysis, SWOT analysis, etc.;
  • To check whether the application is formally correct before it is submitted;
  • To coordinate and communicate with grant provider;
  • Complex services in project management – bidding and tender procedures, reports, applications for payments, audits, etc.
